Myths & Truths: Living in Victoria

When students and working adults are brainstorming what city to move to, they often have opinions based on what they see in the media and hear by word of mouth. What they see and hear may be the truth, or it may be a total myth (lie!).

It’s important to know what’s true versus what’s a popular myth about living in Victoria so that prospects can make a decision about living here based on accuracy.

Below I’ll write statements about living in Victoria, and it’s up to you (the reader) to think about which statements may be true and which may be myths. At the end of this blog, the answers will be revealed!

Statement 1:

The nightlife is dead in Victoria because everything closes at like 8.

Credit: Tourism Victoria

Statement 2:

Downtown is fun to explore and rare, with Fantan Alley being the narrowest street in Canada.

Fan Tan Alley

Credit: Tourism Victoria

Statement 3:

Since Victoria is the capital city of BC, the Prime Minister lives there and visits UVIC often.

Credit: Tourism Victoria

Statement 4:

Victoria has been named one of Canada’s most romantic and friendly cities to live in.

Credit: Tourism Victoria

Statement 5:

Whale-watching is a popular activity year-round, since the Victoria waters are home to 3 pods of orca whales.

orca whales

Credit: Tourism Victoria

Statement 6:

Victoria is really small with nothing to do.

Statement 7:

Since Victoria is along the ocean, all the restaurants are pretty much seafood and sushi.

Credit: Tourism Victoria




Statement 1: False. Victoria has many bars, pubs, and clubs that get very busy on the weekends. And they all stay open late into the AM!!

Statement 2: True! Chinatown in Victoria is the oldest in Canada as well.

Statement 3: False. Yes Victoria is the capital city of BC, but the Prime Minister doesn’t live here.

Statement 4: True! Victoria is full of friendly people, and is a great ambience for romance!

Statement 5: True! Many tourists visit just to go whale-watching and see many other animals.

Statement 6: False. While Victoria may be a smaller city, there are many exciting activities to do both indoors and outdoors.

Statement 7: False. There is great seafood/sushi to eat, but there is SO much more! Victoria is known for its many breakfast/brunch restaurants and Italian restaurants like Il Terrazo.

I hope you’ve learnt something new about Victoria and what it would be like to live here! 🙂

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