I’m Struggling – What Now?

Guest post by Sage DaSilva

Regardless of whether classes are delivered remotely from the comfort of a home, or from the confines of a crowded MacLaurin lecture hall, the stressors of university life can have extremely negative impacts on the mental health of students.

Personally, I have experienced the overwhelming feelings that come with trying to balance school, work, and friends – all while aiming to achieve at least the bare minimum recommended hours of sleep.

With so much on the go, it is understandable that many individuals simply don’t have the time to invest into finding reliable resources that offer assistance with mental health. To aid in this process, I have compiled a list of some affordable and accessible supports to check out during these difficult times.


YouthSpace is a free, non-judgemental space that allows you to talk to a trained volunteer via online instant messaging or by text. This resource is available each night from 6 PM – midnight PST and offers a safe environment if you are in need of talking through any emotions that have been weighing on your mind.

MindHealth BC

MindHealth BC offers a wide range of mental health services including a crisis call and chat line. This resource allows you to specify both the topic you are needing assistance with and the service you are looking for. If need be, referrals can be facilitated.

UVic Counselling Services

As UVic students, we are eligible for free counselling services. Appointments can be same-day sessions (first come first serve) or booked in advance. Additionally, UVic’s online academic community offers a mental health blog that shares personal stories of student mental health and tips for wellness.

Foundry Virtual Services

Foundry Virtual Services provides many different resources, including counselling (both walk-in and pre-booked), peer support (one-on-one and peer lead groups), and workshops for both young adults and caregivers.


Here2Talk offers counselling for BC secondary students over the phone and/or using text message. With a student status, you can register for this confidential service and connect to the resource that is right for you.

An important tip to keep in mind

It is normal to feel nervous when using a new service or seeking support! Don’t worry if you aren’t sure what type of help you require – the best way to find out is to explore your options and find what works for you.

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