Study Spot Ideas

Tired of studying and doing classes in your room. Every. Single. Day?

With your bed right there it’s sometimes impossible to stay on top of things and not procrastinate every assignment that comes our way. Especially with everything online I’ve found getting out of my room so difficult and I ended up just staying in bed all day.

A couple of weeks ago I decided to find some new places to study outside of my house. It’s been so nice to just have a change of scenery, and without my bed right there, I don’t take three-hour breaks to watch TikTok.

Since it’s been so good for me, I want to give you some suggestions on where to study to keep you motivated this semester and get you out of the house.

If you’re on or near campus you have so many options. You can book a spot at the library, Bibliocafe, Clearihue, and even the MOD. These spots are great because since you are booking in advance, you’ll feel obligated to go rather than procrastinating and pushing it back. Check out where the campus study spots are – some are bookable and some are drop-in.

(This photo was taken before the pandemic)

If you want a more versatile spot, the Student Union Building is also open. You can study at Munchie Bar, Vertigo, or the many other study spots.

I’ve found the SUB to be super useful in getting together with friends that aren’t in my immediate bubble because we can study with our masks on, six feet apart while also getting to spend time with one another. One of my friends and I get together each Thursday evening at the SUB to study and catch up and it’s such a nice part of my routine.

If you’re not near campus, coffee shops and public libraries can be a great place to go depending on what types of environments you like to study in.

I love a lot of background noise so I get a lot of work done at coffee shops like QV Bakery and Cafe or Bean Around the World which are both in downtown Victoria. On the other hand, my roommate much prefers her space to be quiet when she’s studying so, for her, a public library is a perfect place to go. And it’s free!

During warmer, less windy days you could even take your work outside. Go to a park or the beach and let the fresh air revitalize you and keep you motivated. If you find a picnic table, even better. You can bring your notes and your readings and get a whole lot done in the great outdoors of your neighbourhood.

Lastly, you could call up a friend that is in your bubble and rotate between whose houses you study at. This could be tough because it might lead to procrastination while catching up but if you put your mind to it you can hold each other accountable.

I hope these tips helped. Happy studying!

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