Grad Box Unboxing!

With in-person convocation ceremonies being postponed due to Covid, UVic came up with something to celebrate at home… the grad box!

Thanks to the grad box I received I was able to conduct my own mini ceremony from home and bask in my new status as a UVic alumni.

The Grad Box came with all the graduate/alumni essentials. There is lots of information in the Grad Book about how to stay connected to UVic life once you have left student status, like the alumni newsletter and what services are still available to me. I even got to see my name and degree officially typed out among my peers.

Moving on to the swag, the box included the exclusive alumni pin that I can wear to future campus events and some stickers to decorate my laptop or notebooks or whatever I want.

On to the Class of 2020 banner now because I set up a Zoom call with my parents in California with the banner proudly displayed with my faculty color while I donned the traditional cap with gold 2020 tassel. So even though an official ceremony is postponed, my family and I were still able to have a Zoom celebration.

And last but not least, the long awaited, long worked toward degree! Wrapped up neatly at the bottom of the box my degree waited for me too.  I have to wait a while before I can get a proper frame to display it but for now I can finally see it and hold it and be proud of all the time and work it took to get here.

Graduating during a pandemic has been an interesting experience but the Grad Box has made it a lot more fun.

I can look forward to convocation but for now, the Grad Box has made the wait a lot more rewarding.

Thanks UVic! You haven’t seen the last of me yet.

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