New student? Welcome to UVic!

Guest post by Linnea Leist

I am sharing this because I started like you, a new student.

I began with orientation, where I learned about the campus, met my best friend to this day, and where I discovered how amazing the University of Victoria is.

This opportunity further led to me joining the campus tours team, becoming an orientation volunteer for the next years, and stepping up in my educational journey.

Here I stand

Here I stand.
Here I stand waiting to know.
Waiting to know if I am in.
Waiting to know if I can find my edge. 
Here I stand.

Here I stand.
Here I stand elated. 
Elated to be in.
Elated to be accepted.
Here I stand.

Here I stand.
Here I stand excited to begin my journey.
My journey in education.
My journey towards my fullest self.
Here I stand.

Here I stand.
Here I stand growing.
Growing myself, my abilities, and my knowledge.
Growing my experiences in school.
Here I stand.

I stand here. 
Here at the University of Victoria.
Here finding my edge.
Here pursuing my dreams.
Here I will stand.
Here you can be too.

Photo by Sammie Vasquez on Unsplash

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