Why you should take the course Learning Strategies for University Success (ED-D 101)

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

When I was in grade 12 and an upcoming UVic student, I tried to attend all the information and recruitment events that I could leading up to my first year.

When it came to choosing classes, I attended Destination UVic, which was a student event for September 2019 applicants. Here, I took a registration workshop, where I was first told about ED-D 101, a class where students learn how to self-regulate their learning and develop strategies for University. 

While this class can be targeted for first-years and those entering post-secondary, I do believe that students at any level can and will get something out of this course. I signed up for it the second semester, and just finished my final exam for the course. I am nothing but pleasantly surprised by how much I have already changed as a learner and a student after completing ED-D 101. 

Here are just a few reasons for why you should take Learning Strategies for University Success (ED-D 101): 

Adaptive Hands-On Learning Approaches

This course is structured so that once a week students attend lectures, and the other half they are broken up into smaller seminar groups. Here, students are able to ask questions and participate, while also completing instructor-led assignments that help them focus on the strategies they are learning. 

One I found really useful, was a Google Calendar activity on how to structure my study time in a digital calendar. This is something I have been wanting to start for a while, but being able to work on it in class and get suggestions along the way is the push I needed. 

Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

Opportunities for Bonus and Make-up Assignments 

While there are many small activities in this course for students to complete, there are opportunities to re-do some if some are missed and quizzes for bonus marks that students can complete to help affirm what they are learning from lectures. 

Progressive Self-Tracking

A few of the assignments in ED-D 101 involve weekly and at times daily study goal tracking. Then you make sense of this data in class and assignments so that students can truly learn their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to academic work and self-directed learning.

As long as you are honest, these can be extremely useful and transformative in finding out where you can improve your study behaviour, learning, and time management even if you already think you are a “good” student. 

So. Many. Strategies. 

One of my favourite perks to this course is that it provides a strategy library for students which has been a big part of my success this semester in all my classes. They can be applied to any project, assignment, reading, and beyond.

These strategies are talked about in-depth in lectures, then worked within breakout seminars, and your use of them in a self-reflection is even evaluated. Everything from combatting procrastination to socio-emotional wellness is covered, and getting to learn the psychology behind why they work will make you more inclined to use them. 


Consider taking this course next year, whether it is your first year or your third, and even if you think you won’t need it. I feel well-equipped with strategies to conquer the rest of my University career after this class, and you will too. 

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