A Comprehensive List of All the Ways you can Go Abroad at UVic

Throughout my past five years at UVic, I was always frantically researching all the ways I could go abroad and get credit for my studies. Like many people, ever since I was little I’ve had this deep urge to travel, to get out of my city and go somewhere new. It’s part of the reason I left Vancouver to come to UVic for university. 

So if you’re like me, and are desperate to get off Vancouver Island but don’t want to take a semester off to travel and can’t afford to skip a summer’s worth of paychecks, this is the blog post for you! 

I’ve done all the research into ways you can take your degree abroad, so you don’t have to, and put it one big comprehensive list below. If I miss anything, leave it in a comment below!

International Exchange

One of the easiest ways to go abroad is to go on an international exchange! I did my exchange in 2017 at Utrecht University in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and it was truly an experience that shaped my personal, academic, and professional life.

Swimming in a Dutch canal on a hot June day during the final days of classes at Universiteit Utrecht.

Some programs, like BComm or Economics, have their own exchange programs or exchange requirements, but for students in faculties of Humanities, Science and Social Sciences, look to the International Student Services Exchange Program.

Students in the Faculties of Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Human and Social Development, Law, and Graduate Studies can also go on exchange, but need to work with their academic advisors to plan one.

To be accepted on an exchange, you just need to be in good academic standing, registered as a full-time student, have completed one year at UVic, have a couple of academic references that can vouch for you, and submit an application form. Applications are due in January for the Fall exchange term (Sept-Dec of the same year) or August for the Spring term (Jan-April of the following year).

Here are only some of the places you could go:

  • Australia
  • France
  • The United Kingdom
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Korea
  • Japan
  • Singapore

International Co-op

Another great option to go abroad is by doing an international co-op term. This way, you can get co-op credit, live abroad, and get paid to do it. To do an international co-op, you must first be accepted into the co-op program. The next deadline for applications is in January. 

The co-op program itself is such a fantastic resource that will help you build skills and get job experience alongside your degree, but adding an international term can help you develop intercultural skills and a host of other skills that employers really like. 

Here are some of the jobs that you could get as an international co-op:

  • Events Management Trainee with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
  • Commercial Coordinator Internship with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Graphic Design Intern with SOLS 24/7 in Malaysia
  • Community Engagement Intern with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Language Interpreter at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial in Vimy, France

Field Schools

Many faculties and programs at UVic have optional field schools. Sometimes you have to be a registered student of the department or have taken the proper prerequisites, but oftentimes you don’t have to be! Check out the field schools below, open to all UVic students:

An average day in Amsterdam. This year, the Urban Sustainability field school run by the Department of Geography includes Amsterdam as one of its stops.

CAPI Internship

Right now, I’m writing this blog from Yokohama, Japan, where I’m working as a CAPI intern. Last January, I seized an opportunity and applied for the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives (CAPI) Internship Program, delaying my graduation a year to take on this amazing experience.

Learning how to operate Yokohama Fire Bureau equipment, with the help of a Japanese firefighter, during an event put on by my internship placement organization.

CAPI offers funded internships for UVic students to work with non-profit organizations across Asia (and sometimes Africa). The program challenges you, makes you think about your place in the world, and encourages you to be a leader and a global citizen. This year, my intern cohort is in Zambia, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, and more! 

Applications for the 2020 intern cohort are due January 24, 2020. To apply, you must be a current, full-time UVic student, in your third year of undergrad or higher, a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and available to complete all program requirements. If you’re interested, pop into an info session on November 21, 2019, or January 22, 2020, from 12:30-1:30 pm in Sedgewick room C168.

Department-based opportunities

Finally, some departments have separate study or work abroad programs for their students, particularly language departments or regional studies departments. These include:

Additionally, some programs, like Social Work, require students to take practicums. Consider doing your practicum abroad!

So, hopefully after reading this big list you have a better idea of all the international opportunities you have as a UVic student. If you’ve decided to apply for some, or maybe already have, don’t forget to apply for funding! UVic has scholarships specifically to encourage students to go abroad: the Student International Activities Fund.

Happy travels!!

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1 Response

  1. SOLS 24/7 says:

    Thanks for the shoutout, Meghan! We’ve had amazing interns from UVic in the past, and we’re looking forward to having more great minds join us.

    Here’s a list of all our available internship positions: https://www.sols247.org/internship