Take Some Summer Classes!

Summer is fast approaching! Have you gotten your summer plans figured out?

If you’re not going home, I really recommend taking summer classes. Last summer, I took two courses that were both only 22 days!

Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash

Not all summer classes are that short; there are ones that are 2 months and ones that are the normal 13 weeks.

Summer classes can seem tedious and you might be thinking how painful it would to stay in a classroom while the sunny weather begs you to go out and have fun. However, it’s really not that bad!

Once you finish the class, you’re done!

Try some food you didn’t get a chance to during the busy school year, like these waffles from West Coast Waffles downtown!

Taking summer classes are great to get some credits completed if you couldn’t take a full course load during the normal school year.

If there is a class you really don’t want to take or if you know you won’t enjoy, you can finish within a shorter time frame!

As you move into 3rd and 4th year, courses can get harder and require more time, so if you have time to spare, why not take a couple classes to get ahead?

Taking one class at a time versus four or five can make a big difference.

You can use all your resources and brain space for that specific course and it’s less likely that you’ll forget the material you learned in class.

Take a walk down to Cadboro Bay after classes to enjoy this amazing view! Summer is a great time to relax at the beach.

The only downside is balancing summer classes with all your other plans. There’s so much to do in Victoria during the summer and it can be tricky prioritizing your time.

If you plan on staying in Victoria over the summer, I hope you enjoy all that it has to offer!

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