My First Month in Copenhagen

My first month in Copenhagen is finishing up and there is a lot for me to reflect on.

Time doesn’t seem to go by the same way as back home as I am constantly exposed to new places and experiences every day. All this has been very exciting and I am proud of myself for having gone out of my comfort zone and moving away to Europe for six months.

All this, however, does occasionally get overwhelming as being in a new place can take a toll on one’s physical and mental health.

The surge of initial adrenaline from moving away eventually dissipates and I have to remind myself to focus on my health while continuing to adjust to life here. Balancing excitement and my health can be a challenge but despite this I can honestly say this has been one of the best months of my life.

This month, I participated in a pre-semester Danish language course (the actual semester begins in February). I think this was a great decision because it is now easier for me to read labels and signs and understand basic conversations. While not the most widely spoken language, knowing some Danish satisfies my language-learning obsessed personality and gives me a good party trick for when I get home :).

Coming in January also helped me settle into my new life here and get all of the bureaucratic processes that come with moving to a new country out of the way. This includes buying a bike, getting dorm-room furniture, and obtaining a CPR Number (the equivalent of a Social Insurance Number). I have also met dozens of other exchange students and have taken a few day trips around the outskirts of Copenhagen and into Sweden.

As I finish up my Danish course, I will be starting my regular classes next week. I will be taking three courses. Two are political science related: Health Policy of Nordic States and a course of radicalisation and terrorism. My last course is one of the elective courses offered to exchange students that offers an introduction to Danish culture.

Here are just a few highlights from my exchange so far:

If you have any questions about Denmark, my university, or about going on exchange in general, feel free to comment below or send me an email at

You can also follow me on Instagram (@ williameltherington) if you want to see more pictures!

Tak! (Thanks!)

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2 Responses

  1. Caitlin says:

    such a great read! 😀