Fall in Utrecht

Before leaving for the Netherlands, I had every intention of publishing regular blog posts. I’ve seen other people post updates about their international experiences for a few weeks and then stop, and I was determined not to do the same. But alas, I too have fallen prey to the distractions of being on exchange.

However, the time I’ve spent NOT writing blog posts has been filled with so many great experiences. Day trips in the Netherlands, fascinating courses, a weekend trip to Seville… Life has been busy and good. Until I write more detailed posts about those experiences, here is a collection of photos of fall here in Utrecht… just in time for the holiday season : )

P.S. Sorry for the quality of the photos! Many of these photos were taken in between classes and running errands, so I only had my phone on me.






This is my housemate Femke picking figs in our garden. It was a really warm fall, so our fig tree was revived!







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