Victoria in Bloom!

I am fascinated by flowering trees. Where I come from, every tree is dull green and covered in needles, adorned with a skinny squirrel nibbling on a skinnier spruce cone. Not so in Victoria. Here our trees and shrubs come in a dazzling array of colors, especially in spring. The flowers are out in full swing in Victoria, making it easy to see why Canada’s mildest capital has earned the nickname of “The Garden City.”

Victoria owes the first of its flowering cherry and plum trees to Japanese-Canadians. In 1937, the city hosted a parade celebrating the incorporation of Victoria, and a float sponsored by members of the Japanese-Canadian community won first prize. The winners donated their prize money back to the city, allocating the funds for the purchase of 1,000 Japanese cherry trees. The city of Victoria, which was trying to replace larger trees with smaller ones that wouldn’t damage sewers and sidewalks, readily accepted. The first cherry trees were planted along Moss Street in Fairfield neighborhood, where some still survive today!

In addition to cherry and plum trees, Victoria gardeners have already seen their crocuses, peonies, tulips, pansies, and rhododendrons bud out in the longer spring days. In Finnerty Gardens on campus, flowering shrubs and daffodils are exploding into bloom, while downtown one can spot pink and white magnolia trees blossoming beside neat rows of English daisies.

Can’t make it to see the flowers in person? No worries. Check out my video!

And happy flower hunting!

For more information:

Victoria’s blossom map!

Globe and Mail, “Cherry Trees Reminder of Japanese-Canadian Heritage in B.C.

Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society




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