Ever wondered how snow days look at UVic?

Many of you might choose UVic because of its beautiful campus or maybe because of the multicultural community that makes up our student culture. Maybe it is because you really enjoy the west coast feeling and the great weather we enjoy. In fact, our weather might be the best in Canada! The temperature in Victoria rarely goes below zero and summers are mild compared to other cities.

In the winter we rarely get snow and when we do, it brings a different aura to the campus. To me it feels like Christmas time again and some students even build snowmen or play outside.

Today was one of those magical days where the snow covered our campus–not enough to cause trouble, I hope! I am sharing a few photos of my favourite snow-covered spots on campus.

Heading out from class I noticed it was starting to snow

A few hours later, most of the campus was covered in white

Some areas looked like they came out of a movie!

Happy snowmen were being built all around!

Finally… the most interesting thing is that the snow might be gone in one or two days and we will be back to our sunny (or rainy) weather, with flowers and spring starting to show up.

For reference, this photo was taken 3 days ago

UVic covered in snow is one of the rare events we get to enjoy once in a while. It is always a surprise and, while we are busy with learning and exploring our degrees, it is a fun and exciting experience to many of us. Going back home might not be so easy though…

Stay strong Vikes, be safe and carry on!

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