5 things I regret NOT doing while I was at UVic  

I’ve officially been finished with classes for about a month now, and I’ve had some time to reflect on the glory years of my degree. Four and a half long years of blood, sweat, tears, and Ramen seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye, but there are a few things that I regret not reaching out and doing as I flew through my post-secondary education.

While I did have a lot of amazing experiences, I’d like to share five things I regret NOT doing while I was a student in the hopes that you don’t miss out on all the amazing opportunities that UVic has to offer.

1. Co-op 

Ali’s co-op in Bali.

You’ve seen the flyers, the Instagram sponsored posts, and other bloggers raving about how to get involved in the Co-op program. For every program, Co-op involves different application steps and at the time, it seemed too complicated for me to handle while taking on a full course load and working a mediocre service job.

Boy, was that a mistake! Coming out of post-secondary EXPERIENCE IS EVERYTHING! Not only are most employers looking for a degree from prospective hires, but also 1-3 years of experience in your field. So do it! Make an appointment and check out the Co-op website.

Still not sure? Check out some of Rebecca’s or Ali’s posts about what Co-op can do for you!

2. Vikes sports events 

Kate & Kevin showing their Vikes spirit

I love sports. I’m probably the most competitive person you’ll ever meet. From racing to finish exams to being the first on the bus, I will dawn the death stare if I lose.

So why didn’t I go to any Vikes Sports events? I’m not even sure. I’d like to chalk it up to my double-digit bank account balance, but there are so many free events I never made it to! Check some out for yourself!

From soccer to Quidditch there’s always events around campus that will help you blow off some steam by yelling on the sidelines of a large field (hopefully cheering for the Vikes, but general yelling is okay too).

3. Getting involved in clubs 

Mt. Washington day trip with the Snow Club.

Did you know that the UVSS hosts over 200 clubs? That means that there’s probably something for you!

It’s so important for your mental health to take part in activities outside of school or work, and clubs are a great way to meet new people and explore your favourite activities.

Most of the time, these clubs are really low key and only involve a couple hours of volunteering a semester to retain membership. Trust me: you have time for it! Involvement like this also looks really impressive on your resume!

4. Becoming your prof’s BFF 

Janni Aragon, Technology Integrated Learning and Political Science.

Shortly after Co-op, getting to know your prof is another way to get ahead post-grad. It’s like the saying goes “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”

While your classes will prepare you with the necessary skills to do your dream job, it’s the connections you make at university that will most likely land your job.

So go to those office hours and make yourself known. You don’t exactly have to be BFFs with your prof, but having a couple in your contact list to ask for reference letters will make the biggest difference come “Real Adult Job” time.

5. Never trying Cap’s mozza sticks

Seriously, to this day, I’ve never tried Mozza sticks. I mean, I’m sure they’re amazing: there was even a petition to bring them back after they were axed from the menu last year.

I could say this is because of my acute intolerance to milk, but also I just never made it into Cap’s because I lived off campus. Please, someone, airmail me some Mozza sticks.

So please, get out there and do as much as you can! These are the years you can get away with staying up a little extra to fit all these wonderful things in your day.

It may seem impossible to get involved in everything right now, but trust me: you’ll regret it if you didn’t at least look into the opportunities all around you. The hard work and time will pay off in the end, and hopefully, you leave UVic without a single regret!

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3 Responses

  1. Kelly says:

    Great blog, helpful for my son who is considering attending Uvic in 2019 from Maui, Hawaii. He is an outdoor enthusiast. Can you recommend a great outdoor activity such as Kayaking, hiking, SUP and where to go while we are there end March? We’ll be sure to try the mozi sticks!


    Kelly & Kaden

    • Kaitlyn says:

      Hi Kelly! Thanks for the comment! We’re so excited to have him!

      As far as Outdoor sports go, I’d recommend he check out the UVic Outdoors Club (https://www.facebook.com/uvicodc/?ref=br_rs). They go rock climbing, host hiking trips, and offer hiking safety classes for their members. Mount Doug is about a 15 minute bus ride (on the #39 bus) from campus and would be a great place to start. You can find more information about Mount Doug and other Victoria hiking trails here: https://www.victoriatrails.com/trails/. I would highly recommend Mount Finlayson in Goldstream Park for a more difficult hike (though its tricky to get to by bus, so if he can organize a ride that would be best).

      For water sports, Uvic has a kayaking club that goes out regularly. You can find more information about them here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/uvic.kayak/about/. Victoria also has a Canoe and Kayak club that hosts events around town(http://www.vckc.ca). I’ve personally kayaked the Brentwood Bay and Esquimalt Gorge area which were nice, but a bit on the novice side.

      If you and the family have time, I would also recommend visiting other places up Island for hiking and water sports. Spots like Tofino, Uclulet, Salt Spring Island, and Nanaimo have a lot to offer. In town, I’d recommend East Sooke Park (https://www.crd.bc.ca/parks-recreation-culture/parks-trails/find-park-trail/east-sooke).

      Hope that helps!


    • Joanne Kennedy says:

      I can’t believe you’d leave MAUI to come to Canada for school!!!!!