UVic Community Cabbage: By Students for Students

Many of us love to volunteer, to help out the community, to help for a cause, to make a difference and create change for the betterment of everyone.

UVic Community Cabbage is a club where such change happens every week. Where students come together and get their hands dirty to provide free meals to others, reduce food waste and make our community more sustainable.

There are three stages for the whole process:

  1. Collect (Wednesday night ‘Off Campus’)
  2. Cook (Thursday evening ’Off Campus’)
  3. Distribute (Friday noon ‘On Campus’)

My friend Talen has described them in detail in his blog post Dumpster Diving for Sustainability.

Photo Credits - Kaia

Recently I went to their end of semester event. All of us cooked a giant meal, had a fantastic dinner and most importantly talked about ideas on how we can make it better. How to reach out to everyone and educate them about the ongoing food waste in Canada.

We got some answers and some planning done but still more help is needed. I feel the club deserves a dedicated place at UVic for meal preps since the meals are for students. They are contacting the UVic SUB board regarding this issue but for now all meal preps happens off campus.

Any ideas or help is always welcome. So, if you want to make a change, help out the community and have fun at the same time. UVic Community Cabbage is the place to be!

Community Cabbage Facebook page

Community Cabbage website

Photo Credits – Kaia

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