Why second semester is better (and worse) than first semester

Does anyone else think it’s completely insane that we’re already a month into second semester?!?

People are always talking about how time flies, but these last few months seem to have flown by twice as fast as normal. It quite literally felt like a whirlwind, and it wasn’t until I was home over Christmas that I realized first semester was done, and I’d get to do all of it again starting in January!

So after having survived these past few weeks of my first ever second semester of university, I thought I’d take a look at what makes this semester both better and worse than the last one.

The “newness” factor

day schoolIt goes without saying that a certain amount of that first year energy we newbies so proudly enjoyed is gone. We’re already moved into our dorm rooms, we have our go-to cafeteria meals, and we’ve walked around campus enough times to (almost) get used to all the beautiful trees.

The return to UVic in January was definitely less exciting than move-in week in September, but at the same time it was so nice to return to a familiar room and campus, knowing that if I got through one semester of university, I could get through another one.

The stress 

I wish I could say that second semester has been easier, but for me at least it’s been harder than last semester. I think the reason why is that I know what’s coming.

In first semester, midterms were kind of exciting, and I was happy to be a part of a season that seemed to unite stressed out students. But this semester, I started my classes with an expectation of how much work I would have to do, and I’ve found it hard to motivate myself in the face of so. many. readings.

But hey, at least Netflix and I have been able to deepen our relationship!

The friends 

Thinking back to September, I’m so glad I could start second semester with friends I had already made in first semester. This isn’t to say that I’m done meeting new people — at university you’ll always be meeting new people — but it was so great to not have to worry about eating dinner alone that first night back on campus.

It takes a certain amount of energy to introduce yourself to strangers, and I remember feeling exhausted after all the orientation and community-building activities of those first weeks of September. They were so much fun, but I’m glad to be able to conserve some energy this time around.

Good luck with second semester everyone — before we know it, it’ll be over!

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