I Took a Selfie Every Time I Said Merry Christmas

Well, I tried.

First off, I just want to give a shout out to our blogger brain-storming session for this idea.

Secondly, I just want to lower your expectations and tell you I did not, in fact, take a selfie every time I said Merry Christmas. Instead of consistent festive selfie-ing, you’ll find the same three tops, sardonic smiles, and a healthy dose of self-deprecating sarcasm. Enjoy.

This is the first time I said the words all season, and it was at the final blogger meeting of 2016. I look a little worse for wear because we filmed a video for the blog, ate a lot of food, and got surprised by a jovial holiday Thunder.

This selfie was taken after parting ways with fellow blogger Avery for the final time in 2016. After both getting wrecked by our SOCI 210 final and then getting pummeled by rain and wind on the walk home. Good times.

After a two hour layover in Vancouver turned into a 3.5 hour layover, baggage claim took longer than normal because the doors were frozen shut. At 2 am. Thanks Edmonton.

I’m not quite sure what the context of this was, but I’m pretty sure it involved me spending the day with friends at the U of A and then enjoying a two hour bus ride in the snow to get home. I’d just like to take this moment to give a heartfelt thank you to my blanket scarf for being there for me.

This doesn’t follow my labelled format, nor do I remember the date, but this was taken after an ugly Christmas sweater party, where holiday wishes were given, and festive fun was had.

This happened after I was told to stop playing my Christmas trap music. I highly recommend Christmas trap, ya filthy animal.

Can’t be certain, but I’m pretty sure I was just given a tin of mini cheesecakes.

Me, excitedly showing off my light-up reindeer sweater. You, wishing you had a light-up reindeer sweater.

Christmas Eve, aka the best meal of the year.

So all in all, this experiment failed. I learned that despite packing more than enough clothing for three weeks at home for the holidays, I wore the same three shirts endlessly. I learned that I have great taste in reindeer sweaters, and that taking a selfie every time you give someone your best wishes for the holiday season is harder than you think.

When you’re surrounded by family and friends, attempting to cram months of quality time into three weeks during the most hectic time of the year, you don’t really want to be whipping your phone out to take a picture of your face and documenting the number and time. You just want to be grateful and present (pun intended).

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, and I hope your 2017 kicks 2016’s butt.



This did not happen when I said Merry Christmas. This is just me and my gecko Kuzco. More about him soon 😉

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