French Film and Music Recommendations

If you went through French immersion school, but don’t have a Francophone background, then you probably are familiar enough with French to understand it and read, but might struggle with speaking it. I spent 10 years in French immersion school in Alberta, and I enjoyed it. French is a beautiful language, and it’s definitely advantageous to have a second language, especially in Canada.

I went to an English speaking high school, but took French classes each year, partly because I wanted to keep up my skill, but also because it was an easy grade. It wasn’t until I took a higher level French class here at UVic that I realized how much of my French I had lost in three short years.

It’s thought that listening to music and watching movies in a language you’re learning is helpful to keep up with it. So if you’re a former French immersion student like me, and you don’t want to lose the language completely but also don’t want to do too much work, here are some movie and music recommendations.

French Music Recs


J’entends la bete by Cherry Chérie

  • I somewhat recently discovered this album, and I’ve totally fallen in love. The best way I can describe it is a beachy, 50s, garage rock vibe. Their website describes their sound as retro-trash-bonbon, which is arguably one of the best descriptions of a genre of music ever.
  • Favorite songs: Laura and Cherry Chérie baby


Vieux cahier troué by Soul & Sister

  • This is an album that’s very chill. Really nice for studying. They have a folk and acoustic sound that’s just really easy to listen to.
  • Favorite songs: Les raison de l’espoir and Les feuilles tombent


Blonde by Coeur de pirate

  • Coeur de pirate is a pretty well known Francophone singer-songwriter. She has more of a pop sound, without it being artificial or sounding like every other pop song that’s ever been written.
  • Favorite songs: Danse et danse and Place de la République

I’m pretty sure all of these artists are from/based in Montreal, so yay for supporting Canadian artists!

French Film Recs


 Les Intouchables

  • Very moving film about a beautiful friendship that develops between a young man just released from prison who becomes a caretaker for a wealthy quadriplegic.



  • This film is very cute and quirky, and set in late 1950s France. A young woman becomes a secretary for an insurance agent, and soon becomes a contender in the international speed typing contest in 1959. Warning, this is romantic and cheesy, but still worth watching.


Special Forces

  • A journalist (Diane Kruger) is captured by a warlord in Afghanistan. French Special Forces are sent to rescue her, and have to reach the border on foot in order to get to safety. Very intense at times, beautiful cinematography, and a very human story.

Last I checked, all of these are on Canadian Netflix. J’espère que vous trouverez tous quelque chose que vous apprécierez!

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