Looking for the Royals

With midterms starting up and my free time becoming something of the past, I try to make time to get away from school and do something completely different. Looking for new coffee shops, going for walks, any break is a welcome one.

This past weekend, that break came in the form of a certain Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. William and Kate (along with their two children George and Charlotte) were here for 10 days visiting B.C. and the Yukon, and used Victoria as their base. I wish I could have gone to the welcome and departure ceremonies, but my friend Kayla and I ended up being able to take a few hours out of our Saturday to see Will & Kate sailing into Victoria Inner Harbour on the S.A.L.T.S. ship the Pacific Grace!

It started raining just before the royals sailed in, and a big crowd had already taken the best standing spots, but here are some blurry pictures from the day for your viewing pleasure 🙂


The Pacific Grace sailing into the harbour



If only all those people weren’t there we’d be able to see them perfectly!




This one’s my favourite 🙂


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