First Day, New Year – in ENGLAND!

Well hey there, it’s been awhile; how have you been?

I know that this post is long overdue, but my life has been so crazy over the last few weeks that this is the first time that I have really been able to sit down and write.

So hi,

In one of my last posts before the end of term last year, I talked about how I was applying to study abroad this year, and how it kind of gave me the same nerves as when I applied to UVic.

Well, it’s four months later and I am writing this blog from my bedroom in the UK.  It has been a wild couple of months, and I’m still having trouble believing that after all the planning I am actually here.

Classes haven’t started yet over here, so I’ve basically been a tourist for the last two weeks. I got settled in my new house, spent some time in London (which is a crazy city by the way, SO many people), and am now back home going to international orientations and preparing for the new term.

I’m going to the University of East Anglia, and it actually reminds a lot of UVic.  It has the same big campus but homey feel to it, with lots of trees and a big grassy area where everybody seems to hang out.

The view from my school

The view from my school

It is a little intimidating starting all over again, but just like when I started at UVic, I have to remember that there will be a transitional period and that I will feel a little out of place for a while. But with every day that I’m here, I am feeling more at home and comfortable in my new city (which by the way is adorable).

I don’t have much to say about their school system and how it is different from UVic’s yet as classes haven’t started, so until then please enjoy my ultra touristy pictures of my time so far.

Also, if you happen to be from the UK and are thinking about going to UVic, feel free to leave a comment. Maybe I’ll be able to answer some of your questions or maybe we could just talk about what it’s like moving away from home!

Downtown London

Downtown London

London Eye

The puns…

London theatre sign

And of course, the shows.

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