Excitement and Fear: An Interesting Combination


All packed for UVic!

Guest post by Moira Louw

Well, it’s happening. This week I will start my first year of university. It’s a little hard to wrap my head around it right now, because I’m still trying to get used to the fact that I’m done high school forever.

I find myself imagining my first day at UVic, and my feelings about this milestone can be summed up in just two words: excitement and fear.

I’m excited to go dorm room shopping and become completely independent. I can’t wait to start new classes, and I look forward to making new friends.

But I’m also scared.


What if I buy the wrong things? What if I can’t take care of myself? What if I hate all of my classes? What if I can’t make new friends?

0809154152Maybe you aren’t afraid about the same things, but I’m pretty sure I’m not the only recent high school graduate that feels both excited and scared all at the same time. I mean, university is kind of a big deal. We’re moving out of our parents’ houses, and starting a life of our own, all while trying to adjust to new classes and new ways of teaching.

As scared as I am, and as much as I sometimes question what on earth I’m getting myself into, it comforts me to know that I’m not alone. I am one of thousands of students preparing for their first time living away from home, and will be among millions who have survived their first day.

For those of you who like me have mixed feelings about starting university in just under a month, take comfort in the fact that we’re all in this together (High School Musical reference not intended). And if you see a lost and confused first year roaming around the UVic campus, please don’t hesitate to help me out. 🙂





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