De-Stress…by Doing Art!

IMG_5250Let’s face it. Although going to university is an amazing opportunity to learn incredible things, make friends and broaden your horizons, it can also be extremely stressful, scary and overwhelming. I have been going to UVic for four years now, and have spent a lot of that time trying to navigate the stress of classes, money management and attempting to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. I have found a few great stress relievers over the years, but the most recent one that I‘d like to share with you is taking some time to get creative.

I have always loved to draw and paint, but I stopped doing art once I got to UVic because I didn’t think I had time anymore. Recently however, I have started making time to do art again, and I have been feeling so much calmer and centered as a result. Even if I’m busy, stressed and tired, taking half an hour to sit down and allow myself to be creative has reminded me that there is more to university life than grades and schedules. Drawing totally absorbs me, and it feels great to be focused on something so separate from school.

I wanted to share some of recent artwork with you guys, it’s been a fun journey and I highly encourage you to give it a go, even if you aren’t an “artsy” type of person. ANYONE can be an artist, because art is all about being creative simply for yourself, and finding new ways to express the rad person that you are. So go do it! You won’t regret it.

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P.S. If you’re feeling nervous about where to begin, or you don’t have any art supplies, check out the UVic Art Hive! It is a free, open art studio for anyone to drop into, and all supplies are provided. You can start your own projects or take part in their weekly art lessons! They meet Wednesday afternoons from 3-7 pm in MacLaurin, Room A195.

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