Taking Time : Giving Back

This holiday season I had the utmost pleasure of giving back to the community of Victoria through the international campaign #HashtagLunchbag.

The campaign connects the sharing efforts of communities around the world as groups of friends prepare lunches for distribution to those less fortunate on the streets.

#HashtagLunchbag with VNAMy participation in this heartwarming act of love was by means of the Vikes Nation Ambassador (VNA) program, thanks to the organizational efforts of Alisha of the VNA Public Relations Team.

Our team of ambassadors spent the afternoon together making sandwiches and bagging lunches, all while laughing and listening to holiday tunes. I had never before seen so many sandwiches assembled in such a short amount of time, nor with such a great amount of fun!

A sponsorship from Thrifty Foods allowed us to make 250 bagged lunches – thank you to everyone who participated and supported us in our efforts to give back!

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