Operation Trackshoes @ UVic

UnknownRecently I volunteered at Operation Trackshoes. This year was my fourth time volunteering for this weekend event and I look forward to next year.

The purpose of this blog post is to raise awareness of this event, in particular, to UVic students and perhaps encourage those to consider volunteering next year.

This year, the event was short volunteers, so 50 competitors were unable to participate. It is unfortunate as many look forward to this event every year. One competitor had his “bags packed for months” gearing up for this event.

What is Operation Trackshoes?

Operation Trackshoes is a three-day weekend sporting event in June for people with developmental disabilities. Competitors from all around B.C. come to UVic to participate in this event.


My team this year - Duncan Wildcats

My team this year – Duncan Wildcats

Around 4pm on Friday, competitors, counsellors, family, friends and volunteers arrive at UVic. There are numerous volunteer positions available but the one that is vital for the success of this event is a counsellor.

Soon after arrival, counsellors are paired up with their competitors. I was assigned to the Duncan Wildcats.

For the rest of the evening, we enjoyed a nice meal at Cadboro Commons (UVic residence cafeteria) and then following dinner, played softball on the quad and danced to live music in the Student Union Building. Some competitors opt to be overnight counsellors where they accompany the competitors in the UVic dorms.


DSC00093This day is the busy one – 8:30AM- 11:30 PM but it is the most fun! The majority of the event takes place in Centennial Stadium at UVic.

Competitors compete in running races, high jump, croquet, basketball, sack races, swim races, and many more competitive events.

I spent much time with the competitor in the photos below:

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In the late afternoon, everyone has a couple-hour break to rest up for the party in the evening. A gala dinner is held in the Cadboro Commons as well as a dance with live music. Those competitors can dance up a storm despite such a busy day in the sun.


This is the third and final day of the event. In the morning, there are more opportunities to compete and just before lunchtime, awards are given out to individuals and teams.

Become a volunteer

Please consider volunteering for this event next year. Even if you can commit to one or two of the days, it will be much appreciated.

So you don’t forget about this worthwhile event, please join the Facebook group.

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