4 months of summer!

A little summer skim boarding (Photo credit Tourism Victoria).

A little summer skim boarding (Photo credit Tourism Victoria).

One of the most exciting things about university is that summer break is actually just as long as each term in the school year. I now realize that it sounds like I’m saying the best part of university is when there is no university. That’s not what I mean at all but, as a long-time lover of summer holidays, it feels like a vast canvas of opportunity waiting to be enjoyed.

Last summer, I broke my arm on my second day of work and sat around inside almost all summer, so you can imagine that I’m especially determined to take full advantage of this one coming up.

Here are some of the most common ways UVic students spend their summers, according to what I’ve heard:

Go home for the summer

I’m pretty sure almost all first year students go back to their hometown/parents’ house for the summer. They don’t have a year-long lease to worry about, they miss their old friends, and it’s understandably nice to have your parents take care of you again – as long as you know it’s only temporary.

It gets a lot more common for more people to stay in town as the years go on, though. Not many people live in residence after their first year and it’s nearly impossible to find a place to rent that won’t make you sign a one-year lease in Victoria, exactly because landlords know students might want to leave during those 4 months. So either you sublet at a cheap price for the summer or you break your lease …or you stay in town.

Heading east - Mt. Baker in the background.

Heading east – Mt. Baker in the background.


Even if just for a few weeks, even if it’s within BC, the travel bug is probably the second most common virus among students, next to maybe strep throat. Some people go to exotic beaches, some people go on hiking trips, some people visit family in Ontario or Quebec, some people do a road trip or go camping for a weekend.

Take some time off and explore the world around you! It’s good to get away and experience new things. You certainly won’t get as good a chance during the school year!


No matter where we go, every student works, as much as they can, all summer. Being a student is expensive and you don’t have much time to earn money while class is in session. Plus, after a full school year, you’ll go stir crazy if you don’t keep busy! (Remember how I had to sit around at home last summer?)

Do things related to your field of study

This won’t necessarily occupy your whole summer, but find something related to what you’re studying outside your studies! There are internships, co-op opportunities, volunteering – all sorts of things! For instance, last year I stayed in Victoria an extra month to be in a community theatre play and a lot of my peers participate in the Victoria Fringe Festival at the end of the summer. Look, ask around and I’m sure you’ll find something you’re interested in. Practical work is invaluable to your education.

Ready for the summer!

Ready for the summer!

Go outside! Have fun! Get sunburnt!

No matter where you are or what you do, it’s summer. So enjoy it! Relax, hang out with friends, enjoy the warm weather and Iced Capps.

PS: As for myself, this year, I’m staying in Victoria and working (not sure where yet) and I’ll be going to Prague and Germany for a month!

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