Broadway Lights – Victoria style.

Royal Theatre Victoria BCOne of the many perks of going to UVic is that you get to explore our beautiful city, Victoria. Last weekend my friend Cyrus and I decided that since the school year was coming to a close, it might be a good idea to see more of the city which we chose to live in!

We decided to go to the Royal Theatre to see the show, “Broadway Lights.” It was a showcase by the Victoria Symphony, along with the Canadian College of Performing Arts (CCPA) of performances and scores from some of the most famous Broadway musicals.

With Cyrus and I both being huge Broadway junkies, we knew that this show was going to be awesome, and we were not disappointed.  The symphony was amazing and all of the singers and dancers were fabulous. It made me want to change my major to theatre (kidding).  Even the building itself was beautiful!  The intricate details  and statues surrounding the stage were incredible and made me feel like I was actually in a New York theatre.

The one downside to our evening was that after the show was over, we were so busy talking about how great it was we didn’t realize that we had gotten on the wrong bus. We ended up way on the other side of Victoria and had to take the bus all the way back downtown just so we could get on the right one.  As a result, our 20 minute commute ended up being an 80 minute commute.  In the end it was all worth it. We experienced something we really loved, in a city full of surprises!

Royal Theatre Victoria BC

UVic students at Royal Theatre

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