LinkedIn: A MUST

LinkedIn_logo_initialsAre you on LinkedIn? If not, you should be.

As a student, LinkedIn is a great way to be introduced to the working world. It allows your resume to be presented in an easy-to-read format and made accessible to a large audience (similar to Facebook, you can restrict who can see your profile).

For those in co-op, it is an absolute must that you create a LinkedIn profile. It provides a simple solution to following up on interviews, researching companies and reading up on panel members who will be interviewing you.

I’ve also used LinkedIn to send a quick thank-you after being interviewed. It is also a great way to connect with fellow students. You might not have known that your friends, people in your program, or people that you know, are currently working at a company or organization where you want your next job to be.

Any questions on where to begin with building your profile? Feel free to reach out to me on my LinkedIn page,



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2 Responses

  1. Miranda says:

    Definitely a must! Great post Lindsay 🙂