My top 4 healthy meals you should try!

Are those instant noodles causing your energy to spike and crash? I know by mid-semester I’m guilty of taking short cuts or grabbing food on the go. I’ve tackled the dilemma of early mornings in my Emergency Breakfast! post. Now I would like to share some of my favourite meals to make at home.


The idea of having apple crumble for breakfast is possibly the greatest morning meal in my mind. Don’t believe me? Try out my recipe below.

You’ll need: 1/3 cup oatmeal (rolled oats), 1 apple, pecans, cinnamon, milk, and honey (optional)

To Make:

  1. Add 1/3 a cup of oatmeal to a pot.
  2. Add 2/3 cup of water, put on the stove with the lid on the pot at medium heat.
  3. As the oatmeal cooks, take an apple and cut into thin strips, and cut into thirds (the thinness helps them cook faster).
  4. Add the cut apple slices into the oatmeal.
  5. Stir as necessary. Let the oatmeal and apples cook together until you have a desired texture (I do about 5 more minutes on low-medium heat).
  6. While the oatmeal and apples are cooking, chop some pecans (or nuts/seeds of choice).
  7. Once cooked, transfer to a bowl, add the pecans and sprinkle some cinnamon on top. Enjoy!
apple oatmeal

Apple crumble oatmeal


This is an open face sandwich with what I made with what I had in my fridge. As a student, I don’t always have time to go grocery shopping, so I try to get creative! I love making these for lunches on weekends when I don’t have to worry about the sandwich being travel-friendly.

To Make: Toast a multigrain bagel, add cream cheese (hummus would be great as well), cucumber and leafy greens. As an experiment I added some chilli powder on top and it gave the sandwich a nice boost in flavour!

bagel with veggie

Open face sandwich


When I was doing an internship in Vancouver this became one of my favourite meals.  You can make it fresh for lunch or dinner, or pack it up to go. I always make extra eggs and potatoes to use the next day.

You’ll need: spinach or lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, (any other salad ingredients you like like cooked lentils and feta), potatoes or yams, eggs, apple cider vinegar and olive oil.

To Make:

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Wash potatoes and cut up potatoes into small to medium cubes
  3. Stick potatoes cubes in a bowl, add in a dash or two of olive oil, spices, salt & pepper, and mix.
  4. Toss your potatoes onto a pan and put in the oven for 45 minutes (it’s good to check on them once or twice throughout that time)
  5. Boil some eggs, I usually make a few extra for the next day. The wonderful Hilah Johnson has a great how-to recipe for boiled eggs here. Peel the eggs and set aside.
  6. Cut up your other veggies.
  7. When the potatoes are ready, stick your salad ingredients on a plate or bowl, sprinkle the potatoes on top, cut up the eggs and add those as well.
  8. Pour a touch of olive oil and apple cider vinegar on the salad for the dressing. Enjoy!
roasted potato salad

Roasted potato and egg salad


If you are in need of a great recipe to make for family or friends, look no further. This brilliant recipe is by a vegan food blogger Oh She Glows, check it out here. I have tested these on my family ­– who are more inclined to eat regular burgers – and the recipe was a great success!

homemade veggie burger

The perfect veggie burger

Happy healthy,


PS: Since this week’s post is on the topic of all things food, I want to mention the UVic Student Society has a Food Bank and a Free Store available to undergrad and grad students. To see their hours, location and to learn more visit their website here.

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4 Responses

  1. Jill says:

    Oh my gosh, Miranda!

    These recipes look easy and really good! Thanks for the tips, it’s good to have ready-made food during stressful exams.

  2. IHeartUVic says:

    Miranda, these sound delish!! I can’t wait to try out the roasted potatoes and egg salad. Also, excellent quick tip at the end 🙂

    • Miranda says:

      Thanks for checking out my post! The roasted potato and egg salad is my favourite for lunches, and it’s very versatile! It always turns out a bit differently and is always really tasty.

      Glad you like the Food Bank tip! Some students don’t know about it so always good to spread the word :).