CABS Roundtable 2015 – What is this?

Last weekend, I attended a fantastic conference – CABS Roundtable from Thursday March 5 – Sunday March 8.

My UVic Life Blog

UVic’s Commerce Students’ Society Incoming and Outgoing Executive Team

What is CABS? CABS stands for the Canadian Association of Business Students. This conference, Roundtable, was a life changing experience and put in perspective the value of being a part of students’ societies while in university. Over 300 student executives from commerce student societies across the country attended.

As the outgoing Vice President of Engagement for the Commerce Students’ Society (CSS), this event was a valuable experience to exchange ideas, reflect on the past year and bond with students who hold similar positions at their school. Every year, this event is held in a different city in Canada and, this year, Prince George had the privilege to host.

ADVICE: Take advantage of every opportunity at UVic or any university you decide to attend. Involve yourself. Being a part of UVic’s CSS has been an unbelievable experience as I have learned transferable skills such as leadership, management and communication that will serve me well in the workplace post graduation. It is also a great way to make friends and connect with like-minded individuals.

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Thursday evening social lumberjack themed event


student life blog

Friday evening social event.


NEXT CONFERENCE: Our very own Gustavson School of Business Conference hosted at the Coast Bastion Hotel in Nanaimo, BC (only 2 hours from Victoria). This three-day conference is jam-packed with various workshops, networking opportunities with professions and with commerce students from across Canada.

ACTION: Don’t hesitate. Become involved now.

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The event’s portfolio members.

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