UVic’s best electives?

marioA few weeks ago, I talked about the importance of taking electives. This week I thought it would be neat to talk about some of the most fun electives I’ve taken at UVic and open the comments to see what classes other students have loved.

Before we begin, I have to confess that I have a driving passion for game development, so all of my chosen electives have games as a common theme. With that in mind, let’s get started with my list:

  • CSC 167: A class entirely around making games. Awesome because it brings together programmers, artists and musicians, which allows everyone to work together to create something awesome!
  • TS 320: Amazing class. I took it with an incredible teacher who was working as a game designer at the same time. It covers the entire history of video games and includes plenty of discussion about how games are designed.
  • DHUM 350: A class that focuses on examining the narrative and cultural implications of indie games by creating your own game prototype.
  • ENGL 250: Interesting course that looks at how games are represented in modern literature by reading and discussing modern books and cyberpunk classics.

Those are my favourite classes and, until UVic adds more courses, I can say that I have taken (and loved) every class that UVic has offered about gaming. Of course, this is a very biased list and I would love to hear what classes have resonated with other students! Anyone care to explain the buzz about African Hand Drumming?

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3 Responses

  1. Miranda says:

    ENGL 250 sounds super interesting! I would recommend Environmental Studies 200 as an elective, I took it in first year and loved it! The course usually focuses on environmental issues and solutions within local and global food systems.

  2. Heather says:

    I love taking first-year language classes as electives. The classes tend to be small and quite interactive while offering a change of pace from my required courses.