Packing for Portland

Hey y’all! I’m late writing this post, which really irks me as I pride myself on being a timely person; however, life just got in the way this week. Between a two-day migraine and an extremely hectic week at work, my weekly blog post was pushed to Sunday night (just like my homework in high school, every week…).

Part of the reason that last week was so packed is because I’m leaving tomorrow for a week-long work trip to Washington State and Oregon. I’ve been running around all day finishing last-minute errands in preparation (who am I kidding, I left all my errands until the last minute) and I’m about half way through packing at this point. Not bad for me, considering it’s before midnight and I have started putting things in a suitcase.

I was considering writing a post on what I’m packing for my work trip and conference, but I wasn’t sure how as I am pretty much the worst packer. I have some sort of mental block around packing and ALWAYS leave it until the last minute when I’m completely fatigued and debating whether it’s even worth it to sleep that night. Aside from my atypical last-minute packing style, I tend to pack as if I’m embarking on a multi-year trip to Narnia, regardless of the distance or duration of my trip. Altogether, not the most efficient situation.

Anyway, while jamming everything I could get my hands on into my suitcase, I was struck by an idea. I’ll show you what I’m packing for this trip, but I’ll include all of the bizarre stuff that I’m bringing along because I’ve convinced myself it’s necessary. Maybe one day I’ll master the art of Tetris-ing  my belongings into a carry-on suitcase (yes, I just made Tetris into a verb); until then, let’s just hope I can convince my coworkers that the larger model is actually necessary.

Photo 1

When it comes down to it, as long as I have my wallet, passport, phone, and travel insurance, I’m probably good to go. Add in some toiletries and a mixture of business-appropriate and casual clothes and that could be considered a job well done. Unfortunately, I do not stop here.

Photo 2

Assorted snacks. It may seem practical, but between the snacks in the picture and the extras I already stashed away, I may have gone a little overboard

Photo 3

Assorted office supplies. I never travel without, at least: a pen, highlighter and white out. Not pictured: three extra pens in case one breaks or goes missing.

Photo 4

Assorted UVic gear. Apparently there is a spirit day at the conference I’ll be attending. Naturally, I packed options.

Photo 5

Assorted workout clothes. Even though I’ll likely be pretty busy, I don’t want a lack of workout clothes to serve as an excuse not to get my exercise.

Photo 6

One Pomeranian. Just kidding, but he likes to sleep in my suitcase any chance he gets.

Anyway, that’s it for me – time to return to my packing. I hope you all have a wonderful week and I’ll catch up soon!

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