Snapshot of social media @UVic: Ready… set… like, follow, pin, tweet!

social media apps on phoneI must confess, I am a bit of a social media geek. In fact, I’ll be attending Social Media Camp this May 2015, so it only seemed fitting that I get up to speed with all the ways to connect with UVic online.

I did some digging and discovered that UVic uses over ten social media platforms. I’ve compiled a list of the top pages to follow. Comment below if you need a hand finding a particular social media page (for a faculty, department, or student group). I’m happy to help!


Main UVic Facebook Page: Get updates about UVic on your Facebook homepage.

My First Year at UVic: This is an awesome place to ask questions about UVic and get responses from current students. Even if you don’t have a question in mind, have a scan through the posts, as other students may have posted a question relevant to you!

Volunteering @ UVic: Interested in getting involved on campus? Join this group to learn about current opportunities.

UVic Student Society (UVSS): The UVSS is UVic’s undergraduate student society. They host events and provide funding for student clubs.


@UVic: Learn more about UVic and see retweets of posts on everything from campus life to academia.

@UVicNews: Stay up to date with the latest happenings and news at UVic.

@MyUVic (Student Recruitment): Learn about student life; tweet to @MyUVic to ask any questions you have about campus.


UVic (University) on LinkedIn: See where UVic alumni (graduated students) have taken their careers. Read recommendations for UVic and more.

UVic (Company) on LinkedIn: Stay in the loop on current campus job postings.


UVic on YouTube: Check out a wide range of videos by UVic and get to know the students, staff and faculty.

Google Plus

UVic on Google+: Check your Gmail and then check out updates from UVic.


UVic on Weibo: This is a great page for Chinese students to learn about campus life at UVic.


UVic on Instagram: Find photos of campus and Victoria that will get you excited to attend UVic!


UVic on Pinterest: Check out over 25 pinboards including good study spots, residence life and campus food.


UVic on Flickr: Find epic nature shots, adorable puppies (from Destress Fest),  the campus, student life and more.


UVic on BuzzFeed: Get the inside scope on everything you need to know about being a student at UVic. My favourite post is “10 Signs You’re a UVic Student.”

Follow your department and faculty

I recommend checking out your faculty and department pages on Facebook and Twitter. I follow my department, Environmental Studies, on Facebook here, and on Twitter at: @UVicENVI.

Follow students

Lastly, follow students on Twitter! Students post a wide range of content and can give you an idea of what student life is like and how to get the most out of your student experience. Some of my fellow bloggers are on Twitter. Check them out here: Jess: @jessneilson13, Dylan: @dylangedig, Kevin: @kevrammer, Bryan: @BryanrEmery, Rachel: @rachfran ….and me: @mirandamaslany

Try out the “in person” thing

If you are able travel to Victoria for a day, UVic has campus tours Monday through Saturday at 1pm. I work as a campus tour guide, so if you read this post and you happen to get me as a guide on your tour, make sure to say hi!

Until next week,



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4 Responses

  1. Robin says:

    Thanks, Miranda! Anyone looking for the “really big list” of UVic social media channels can find it here:

  2. Miranda says:

    Thanks Robin! That’s great! I’m glad there is a list with all the social media channels.

  3. Lindsay says:

    Thanks for this fantastic list, Miranda. I didn’t know about those links on LinkedIn. I am going to take a look now.

    • Miranda says:

      Hi Lindsay, so glad it was helpful! Yes I definitely learned some new links as well!