No pain, no gain

Reading break is a time to go home, relax, see friends, sleep, or—if you’re me—apparently reading break is a time to have a man poke you with a needle over and over until there is a pretty design permanently drawn on your body. Yes, this reading break I, a person with absolutely NO pain tolerance, got a tattoo (actually two).


Exhibit A

Actually, it didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. I’m not going to lie, though. During the car ride there, and right before he started and I could hear the buzzing of the needle, I was more than a little nervous: Exhibit A. This hand belongs to my ever patient friend Kiana, and yes, those red marks were left by my slightly shaking hand as I gripped hers for dear life.

If anyone is wondering, the design on my right ankle is an ancient Hebrew word that means a lot to me, seeing as my dad’s side of the family is Jewish. Also, my name and his are Hebrew (Sarah means princess….seems to fit). The one on my left ankle is the initials of my favourite author, J.R.R. Tolkien. Reading his novels and seeing them transformed into movies is what made me choose my current career path!

I love my tattoos so much and I still can’t believe I was brave enough to go through with it (I was doubtful until he actually started).

I hope that wherever you are, your breaks have been more relaxing than mine and that you are starting to mentally prepare for the unavoidable trudge back to early mornings and midterms (I know I’m not).



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