First year photography, fourth year fun

Legacy GalleryAs the school semester enters into that scary period right before midterms, (I like to think of it as the delusion period—you think life is good, you’re happy. HA) it gets harder and harder to take time out to nap and watch Netflix.

As it’s my last semester, I finally get to relax and showcase my inner guru. I’ve decided on Introduction to Photography— I can take pictures; I’ve used Instagram. How hard can it be?

Unfortunately, I will be subjecting you guys to my novice photography skills in this blog…can’t get much worse than really bad, right?

This past weekend I attended the University of Victoria Legacy Art Gallery exhibit, “In Session-One,” which showcased the work of four UVic professors. The professors: Megan Dickie, Laura Dutton, d.bradley muir and Tara Nicholson are all renowned photographers in the art world and they teach at UVic… talk about learning from the best.

The gallery will run the “In Session-One” exhibit until March 28. For more details check out the Legacy Art Gallery website. I would strongly recommend checking out this exhibit. One of the highlights was the sculpture made out of photographs. Don’t believe me? Check it out for yourself.


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