A day in the life

Hey y’all! For today’s post, I’m going to take you with me through my day of work and study at UVic.

A little background: I’m currently working full-time as a student staff member in the orientation office while finishing the last class of my undergrad – a French class mandatory for my French certificate.

My days are definitely structured differently than they were as a full-time student, but this will give you an idea of what working on campus is like if it’s something you’re considering. Each day varies considerably, but this was today!

8:10 a.m. I left my house to catch the bus to work. In typical Victoria fashion, it was rainy and grey this morning. Can’t complain too much for Canada in January though!


Waiting for the bus.

8:30 a.m. After a 15-minute bus ride, I arrived at work for 8:30. The first things I did were to check my work email and social media accounts and catch up on post-secondary news.


Coffee first thing – can’t function without it!

9:00 a.m. We’re in the midst of a volunteer recruitment campaign, so we set up a table in the Clearihue building to share information about our volunteer program. We’re ALWAYS looking for more students and, I can say from experience, volunteering for orientation is a blast!


My friend, Derushka, is ready to recruit some new student volunteers!

9:20 a.m. One of the benefits of working at UVic is that it’s incredibly convenient to complete any on-campus errands. Today I had to order an official transcript, so found five minutes to sneak out and do that.


9:30 a.m. I was asked to appear in a short, campus promotional video and today was shooting day! On a side note, I will never make an actress – talk about a million takes!


Our “set” for the day.

10:17 a.m. Back to the volunteer recruitment table for another few hours. I’m sensing a pattern…


Back at it!

2:30 p.m. Every Thursday, I have French class for three hours – my only class session of the week. Despite the fairly late hour, the time always flies. The highlight of this class for me was an organized debate on the merits and disadvantages of official bilingualism in Canada. Okay, so it sounds a little nerdy, but it totally appealed to my political side!


Mid-class caffeine refill. Thank goodness for class breaks!

5:30 p.m. Back to work for a couple more hours of volunteer recruitment, this time in residence. Normally I’d head home straight after class, but as I said, we’re in the middle of a push!


McPherson Library on my way back to the office tonight. Campus after dark never ceases to amaze me.

8:10 p.m. Exactly 12 hours after I left this morning, I wrapped up my day on campus. Luckily, I have no extra-curricular commitments on Thursday evenings, so my only task was to write this post before crashing. I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my life at UVic!


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