Find your outlet

Rachel runningThis past Saturday I competed in my first race of the indoor season at the University of Washington in Seattle. I did two races back to back, the 1000-meter and the 600-meter, for a bit of a training effect since I’m still building up for our Canadian university nationals (CIS – Canadian Interuniversity Sport).

The races went well. I ran with some of the big dogs in a great mix of professionals, NCAA athletes and Canadians who came down to compete. I was really happy with my races and the rest of the Vikes track team did a fantastic job as well! The first race is known as a ‘rust buster’, to both mentally and physically kick-start you into the season. I was able to achieve the auto-qualifiers for nationals in both races, taking a bit of pressure off for the other races coming up!

rachel-fieldReflecting on the past weekend made me think about how essential it is to have an outlet – something that removes you from the rest of the outside world so you can be totally immersed in what you’re doing and what you love. Track does this for me. When I am racing, going for a long run, doing a workout, at the gym, or even having a yoga or stretching session, I can shut my brain off from distractions and be completely present.

As physically and emotionally draining as racing is, I love having those two minutes in the 800-meter (my primary distance), where I think about nothing but each second going by, what move I’m going to make, my breathing and how badly I want to do well. It’s really a magical thing.

Take this to the rest of the world, where you are cooped up in the library for 6 hours and just need a break. Take that break. Think of something that you love to do – whether it’s going for a run, doing yoga, painting, cooking a great meal, walking on the beach with your headphones in – listening to your favourite song, ANYTHING!

Do anything that can make you feel totally immersed in what you’re doing – achieving that state of flow. There’s something to it, so find your outlet. Find what makes you shut off the world and be completely present.

Check out for the results.


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