Life as a student athlete

RachelHi everyone! I’m excited to share a glimpse into my life as a student-athlete running on the Vikes track team.

I’m getting back into the swing of things this semester after a relaxing two week Christmas break. I spent my break in Victoria with my mum and sister instead of returning to my home in Edmonton (AB).

This allowed me to continue training consistently throughout the break…I even threw in a really nice run along the ocean on Christmas day!

This is the first year I haven’t gone home for the break and, while I was a little bummed that I didn’t get to visit, I was really happy to have a solid couple weeks of training.

While Christmas has been increasingly untraditional with each passing year, I have been lucky to have family and friends surrounding me. The weather was also a plus…the novelty of a white Christmas (when it’s -30 Celsius) has worn off for me when I can have the beach, sunshine and ice-free trails!

I’m excited for what this upcoming year has in store! I’m heading into this new year feeling refreshed, strong and motivated with some big things coming up: my first race of the 2015 indoor track season with the Vikes is two weeks away in Seattle and the class I’m in on Beyonce (Music 391) has started – yes, it is a thing and those who know me know this is my dream class.

It’s time to take on 2015 and all of the adventures that come with it!

December run

December run

beach run

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1 Response

  1. Meredith says:

    I love the picture of the beach. What a beautiful place to run!