- B. Sayed, I. Traore, A. Abdelhalim, “If-transpiler: Inlining of hybrid flow sensitive security monitor for JavaScript”, Journal of Computers & Security, Elsevier, 75 (2018) 92–117.
- A. Hoole, I. Traore, A. Delaitre, C. de Oliveira, “Improving Vulnerabilities Detection Measurement – Test Suites and Software Security Assurance”, 20th ACM International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE ’16), June 01 – 03, 2016, Limerick, Ireland.
- B. Sayed, I. Traore, A. Abdelhalim, “Detection and Mitigation of Malicious JavaScript Using Information Flow Control“, 12th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST2014), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 22-24, 2014.
- I. Traore, I. Woungang, “Software Security Engineering: Part II” in Software Development Techniques for Constructive Information Systems Design, Khalid A Buragga and Noor Zaman (Eds.), IGI Global, pages 256-284 (35 pages), March 2013.
- I. Traore, I. Woungang, “Software Security Engineering: Part I” in Software Development Techniques for Constructive Information Systems Design, Khalid A Buragga and Noor Zaman (Eds.), IGI Global, pages 221-255 (35 pages), March 2013.
- A. Hoole, I. Traore, I. Simplot-Ryl, “Application of contract-based security assertion monitoring framework for telecommunications software engineering”, Mathematical and Computer Modeling Journal, Elsevier, Vol. 53, No.3-4, pp. 522-537, February 2011.
- M. L. Yanguo, I. Traore, A.M. Hoole, “A service-oriented framework for quantitative security analysis of software architectures”, in the Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Dependable and Secure Service Computing 2008 (DSSC2008), Dec. 9-12, Jioasi, Yilan, Taiwan, in conjunction with IEEE APSCC 2008.
- M. Hoole, I. Traore, “Contract-based security monitors for service-oriented software architecture”, in the Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Dependable and Secure Service Computing 2008 (DSSC2008), Dec. 9-12, Jioasi, Yilan, Taiwan, in conjunction with IEEE APSCC 2008.
- A. Hoole, I. Simplot-Ryl, I. Traore, “Integrating contract-based security monitors in the software development life cycle”, in the Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software (FLACOS 2008), Malta, November 27-28, 2008, (6 pages).
- M. Y. Liu, I. Traore, “Systematic security analysis for service-oriented software architectures”, in the Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE07), Hong-Kong, China, on Oct. 24-26, 2007 (10 pages).
- M. Y. Liu, I. Traore, “Complexity measures for secure service-oriented software architecture”, in the Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Predictor Models in Software Engineering (PROMISE) Workshop, May 20, 2007, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, in conjunction with 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE); (10 pages).
- M. Y. Liu, I. Traore, “Properties for security measures of software products”, Applied Mathematics & Information Science (AMIS) Journal, 1 (2), pp.129-156 (28 pages), May 2007.
- D. Ghindici, G. Grimaud, I. Ryl, Y. Liu, I. Traore, “Integrated security verification and validation: case study”, Proceedings of 2nd IEEE LCN Workshop on Network Security, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A., 14 November 2006.
- M. Y. Liu, I. Traore, “Empirical relations between attackability and coupling: a case study on DoS”, Proc. of ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS), P. 57-64, Ottawa, Canada, June 2006.
- M. Y. Liu, Issa Traore, “Measurement framework for software privilege protection based on user interaction analysis”, 11th IEEE International Software Metrics Symposium, 19-22 September 2005, Como, Italy.
- M. Y. Liu, I. Traore, “UML-based security measures of software products”, International Workshop on Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES’04), 4th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD-04), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, June 2004