Haiku of the Day – Computer Help Desk

CALL Facility
HAIKU of the Day

your iMac won’t boot?

Chrome needs latest Flash update?





CALL Haiku of the Day – French

CALL Facility
HAIKU of the Day

Paris in Springtime

Tour de France best race in world
Let’s learn to speak French!





CALL Haiku of the Day

CALL Facility

HAIKU of the Day

pasta’ homework in
no ‘Rome’ing charges in CALL
chance to meet ‘funghis




CALL Haiku of the Day

CALL Facility
HAIKU of the Day

World Class Instructors

American Sign Language
‘Sign’ up for this course




CALL Haiku of the Day

CALL Facility
HAIKU of the Day

Raining cats and dogs

don’t step in any poodles
Let’s learn more Spanish




Vacation Over – Back to Work!



Hot Coffee and Hot Tub Capybaras

Hot Coffee and

Hot Tub Capybaras


Quasi-Daily Language Cartoon(s) of the Day – Itchy Feet Learning ALL the Languages!