Ancient Technology . . .
or . . .
. . . Be Kind to Your Digital Elders
Where we you in … no, not ’62, but 1984!!!
1984 immediately brings to mind two thing – my Grade 12 class on George Orwell’s novel and … the introduction of the original Macintosh computer … and that famous commercial, broadcast only ONCE, during the Super Bowl that year. It is considered The Greatest Commercial of All Time!
But did you know that it was originally introduced by none other than Steve Jobs at an Apple meeting? And of course, this is made available through the magic of … YouTube!
Steve Jobs Introduces the
Macintosh for the FIRST TIME!
When I originally started in The CALL Facility in 1989, there was ONE SINGLE SOLITARY MACINTOSH IN THE ENTIRE ROOM! The rest were all IBM computers. Yes, IBM!!!
It had been about 5 years since the original Mac had been introduced and made commercially available, but it had one unique incredible feature – it was the only computer (to the best of my knowledge back then!) that offered different operating systems (known back then as System 6) in DIFFERENT LANGUAGES!
To switch to Japanese, the ONLY other fully functional operating system that was installed at the time, required a full reboot after ‘blessing’ a folder that contained … the Japanese Operating System! And then, when finished, the same procedure had to be performed … IN JAPANESE, to reboot and return to System 6!
I think the very first document I ever produced in The CALL Facility .. was how to switch from English to Japanese and then back to English in System 6.0 on the only Mac, probably in all of Clearhue!
And there is my segue into languages! Communication! Ideas! Imagination! Cooperation!
This so-called ‘New Normal’ that we are now wrapped up in, still requires teamwork and literally thinking ‘outside the box’ that was our previous workplace location! We are truly … reinventing the box, while simultaneously physically being outside of our boxes! 👍
Truly astonishing that we can ZOOM, text, email, video and phone so easily now – and that allows us to maintain communications, both social and professional, with the click of a button! 30 years ago, this would have been in the realm of Harry Potter kind of magic .. and Harry Potter didn’t exist until 1997!
I still have some ‘ancient technology’ including my first ever computer, a Commodore SX-64, outrageously described as a ‘portable computer’ weighing in at a whopping 23 POUNDS!
A few years ago – 2017 seems SO long ago now – Systems had an Open House with the theme of ‘Time Travellers – Meet the Team – Systems Through Time‘ and it was a ‘Blast from our Past‘!
And both my Mac SE that I bought in 1989 and my venerable SX-64 are still working! Amazing!
A few great articles to take you down Memory Lane here:
- Happy 35th Birthday to Appleās Original Macintosh
- Happy 35th Birthday, Apple!
- Happy 35th birthday, Macintosh! Here are 7 wild photos from the 1984 release
- Happy 35th birthday, Macintosh! Here are 11 wild photos from the 1984 release
As long as there are words out there, there will be interesting topics!
Old Computers Did it Better
Evolution of Laptops
and Portable Computers (1975-2020)
Macintosh 128K
Vintage Computer Review
Macintosh 1984 Promotional Video
WITH Bill Gates