Super Secret Surprise CALL Stuff III – SEQUEL for SEPTEMBER

Surprise CALL STUFF III …..
It is now …. SEPTEMBER !!!!

SEPTEMBER IS HERE NOW! And I hinted at some Super Secret CALL Stuff in a previous post … and even in a sequel post here ….

Well, here is a sneak peak TRAILER of the new stuff in CALL with a special guest appearance! I can actually HEAR the eye-rolls, even when I work remotely! That … is a good thing!

The tech upgrades are complete! Many thanks to Andrew, Marcus, Sophie, Heather, Dan, Adam, Jessica, KC and everyone else! If I forgot anyone, I will ‘Photoshop’ them in later on!

Okay, you might then argue that The Pods at the Front of CALL were another non-disaster upgrade, but …. the screen at the time had broken and well, why not upgrade the back computers to a kind of ‘If you build it, they will come‘ scenario for students. (Spoiler Alert – An ALL TIME FAVOURITE MOVIE of mine! And it worked … Covid started about 3 weeks later! AND CALL also got new furniture JUST BEFORE COVID! And believe me, the old furniture WAS a disaster! Whew! And don’t forget about … The Great CALL Flood of 2015!

But for now, you will have to:

  • Monitor this OAC Blog!
  • Make a resolution to be ready for anything!
  • Station yourself at the ready!
  • Display your boxes of CALL hi-tech upgrades!
  • Project the future!
  • Measure up to … 55″ of PowerPoint slides in every direction!
  • And if not PP, then switch to a 55″ Keynote instead!
  • Don’t get drunk on screenshots!
  • Screen everyone who visits CALL!
  • Memorize how to spell HDMI!
  • Surf the Internet riding high on a CRESTRON .wav!
  • Get ready for one DELL of an upgrade!
  • No boots needed in case of a flood, only … re-boots!
  • Didn’t cost much either! We paid in cache!
  • CALL will be safe from monitor lizards, finally!
  • Monitor the upgrades ’cause it  … hertz so good!

See everyone in September!
Come on down to
After … in September!!!!


And … just to end on a
Shameless OAC
Bog Blog promotion …
Here are some random Bog Blog favourite OAC posts!

My Favourite ‘Favourites’ at OAC!
So … What’s Next for … 2022?

CALL Computer Refresh Deja Vu ….. All Over Again
A Walk Down Memory Lane .. or .. 1 Domegemegrottebyte Worth!
Favourite and Useful UVic Links
The CALL Facility & other UVic Mysteries
UVIC Social Media
Social Media at UVic or … LIKES and FOLLOWS
On Campus Photo Shoot
On Campus Photo Shoot Redux

And of course …. CHD Jeopardy Opus (all the Jeopardy pdfs!)
And a favourite topic is … UVic Recycling!
The ReCycling of CALL and … HSD!
Comparing Apples and Oranges III . . . The ReCycling

And one of my
Bog Blog Posts …
Secret Gems of Clearihue!
SSShhhh . . . Clearihue’s Hidden Secrets . . . & GEMS

And  if  you  made  it  this  far
of  the NEXT CHD  Jeopardy!


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