Super Secret Surprise CALL Stuff II … JULY!!!

Surprise CALL STUFF II …..
It is now …. JULY !!!!

JULY IS HERE NOW! And I hinted at some Super Secret CALL Stuff in a previous post that are coming in July! Well IT IS NOW JULY!

The tech upgrades are the first upgrades that are … not disaster related! Well, okay, maybe a stretch as during Covid, and just as we were returning, CALL (& elsewhere too!) was upgraded with a bunch of new computers – both DELL and APPLE! But that was expected and … if COVID is not a disaster, then what is!

Okay, you might then argue that The Pods at the Front of CALL were another non-disaster upgrade, but …. the screen at the time had broken and well, why not upgrade the back computers to a kind of ‘If you build it, they will come‘ scenario for students. (Spoiler Alert – An ALL TIME FAVOURITE MOVIE of mine! And it worked … Covid started about 3 weeks later! AND CALL also got new furniture JUST BEFORE COVID! And believe me, the old furniture WAS a disaster! Whew!

CALL Facility Large Screens
       CALL Facility Large Screens

So THIS current upgrade is unique in that we are getting FAR SUPERIOR STUFF that we did not have before! And those things are …… well, you will just have to wait until the next Bog Blog post. For now, I will include more photos of lots of stuff that has happened in CALL, and the first of the Before and After photos too! And a few random ‘Favourite Bog Blog’ posts at the bottom too! 

And don’t forget about … The Great CALL Flood of 2015!

But for now, you will have to:

  • Monitor this OAC Blog!
  • Make a resolution to be ready for anything!
  • Station yourself at the ready!
  • Display your boxes of CALL hi-tech upgrades!
  • Project the future!
  • Measure up to … 55″ of PowerPoint slides in every direction!
  • And if not PP, then switch to a 55″ Keynote instead!
  • Don’t get drunk on screenshots!
  • Screen everyone who visits CALL!
  • Memorize how to spell HDMI!
  • Surf the Internet riding high on a CRESTRON .wav!
  • Get ready for one DELL of an upgrade!
  • No boots needed in case of a flood, only … re-boots!
  • Didn’t cost much either! We paid in cache!
  • CALL will be safe from monitor lizards, finally!
  • Monitor the upgrades ’cause it  … hertz so good!

See everyone in JULY!
Come on down to
After … July 13th!


And … just to end on a
Shameless OAC
Bog Blog promotion …
Here are some random Bog Blog favourite OAC posts!

My Favourite ‘Favourites’ at OAC!
So … What’s Next for … 2022?

CALL Computer Refresh Deja Vu ….. All Over Again
A Walk Down Memory Lane .. or .. 1 Domegemegrottebyte Worth!
Favourite and Useful UVic Links
The CALL Facility & other UVic Mysteries
UVIC Social Media
Social Media at UVic or … LIKES and FOLLOWS
On Campus Photo Shoot
On Campus Photo Shoot Redux

And of course …. CHD Jeopardy Opus (all the Jeopardy pdfs!)
And a favourite topic is … UVic Recycling!
The ReCycling of CALL and … HSD!
Comparing Apples and Oranges III . . . The ReCycling

And one of my
Bog Blog Posts …
Secret Gems of Clearihue!
SSShhhh . . . Clearihue’s Hidden Secrets . . . & GEMS

And  if  you  made  it  this  far
of  the NEXT CHD  Jeopardy!