Pay attention to self care

Pay attention to self care

During the month of July, people around the world will be celebrating self-care practices and interventions and the difference they can make to everyone’s lives. Self-care actions are habits, practices and lifestyle choices – things that we can do to help look after...
Pride Month Canada

Pride Month Canada

June is Pride Month in Canada—a time dedicated to celebrating 2SLGBTQQIA+ communities across Canada, advocating for equal rights, and fostering a world where everyone can embrace their true selves without fear, violence or discrimination. Pride Month commemorates the...
Skin cancer awareness month

Skin cancer awareness month

As May marks both Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month and the beginning of summer weather, it is the perfect time to be reminded of the importance of sun safety and to embrace lifestyle changes that contribute to long-term skin health. Melanoma can develop...
Celebrate national nutrition month

Celebrate national nutrition month

Celebrate National Nutrition Month this March by practicing healthy eating habits! One should never underestimate the importance of eating healthy food.  The benefits of eating a healthy diet includes living a longer life, feeling happier, having more energy,...