A new year brings new opportunities to examine your own behaviour patterns and relationships with others. Learn more in this upcoming Continuing Studies course:

Healthy Boundaries: Thriving Rather Than Surviving
Most individuals struggle with understanding and setting healthy boundaries. When you understand how to create boundaries, and why they are so important, you can experience a healthier relationship with yourself and others. Healthy boundaries can reduce stress, improve relationships, and help support mental and emotional well-being. We will explore what boundaries are and how to get comfortable with setting healthy ones for yourself. This course will outline how to set boundaries that keep you feeling safe and heard. You will learn how to use these boundaries as tools, rather than a set of rules, resulting in thriving rather than surviving.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Register here: https://continuingstudies.uvic.ca/health-wellness-and-safety/courses/healthy-boundaries-thriving-rather-than-surviving/

Telus Health platform is now live.  Complete a health assessment, begin a self-paced wellness program, check out supports and resources. Get the help you need, anytime, anywhere.