Category: Buckets of sunshine

A quick dose of joy

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Mira the martlet

Summer’s coming to an end, school’s starting back up and we’re returning to work after some much-needed vacation. But this isn’t the usual fall routine, so some de-stressing might be in order. Join Mira...

A view of the main UVic library before the fountain was built 0

Capturing community

Wild hair, pleated pants, bold patterns and low gas prices – Colin Newell captured everything in the eighties with his camera.  It all started back in 1973 when Colin, a long-time staff member in...

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Bear with us…

It’s not unusual at all to see deer grazing at UVic. And we’ve all seen the odd bunny or two on campus. But a bear? That’s a little different! Apparently, this particular bear has...

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Any Bonnie fans out there?

A few surprising things have come out of this pandemic. Not the least of which is public health officials gaining rock star status. BC’s Public Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry has gained thousands of...