

In Crisis?

If you are in crisis, please tell someone who can help. You can contact the Crisis Centre 24 hours a day by phone at 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433). Online crisis chat services are also available for youth and adults.

Ask a friend or family member to be with you while you seek help. If you have a family member or friend who is suicidal, do not leave him or her alone. Try to get the person to seek help immediately from an emergency room, doctor, or mental health professional. Take seriously any comment about suicide or wishing to die. Even if you do not believe your family member or friend will actually attempt suicide, the person is in distress and can benefit from your help in receiving mental health treatment.


Seeking Treatment?

There are many forms of mental health treatment and types of treatment providers, which can make taking the first steps toward getting help challenging. Below are a few resources that may be helpful in deciding what services could be helpful for you. It is important to remember that, with the right treatment and provider, psychotherapy works to manage a variety of mental health conditions.

People in BC who are seeking psychotherapy or assessment services may wish to try these searchable directories to find a Registered Psychologist or Registered Clinical Counsellor.

For community members looking for services at the Psychology Clinic at UVic, please click here.

UVic students can contact The Student Wellness Centre at 250-721-8563.

Those outside of BC can use this page find a Psychologist.


Professional Organizations