Lab News & Events
A lovely Sunday mid-summer social at Fired Up! where (some of) the team painted our own keepsake ceramics and celebrated another school year done and dusted. We also introduced a new EMA study coordinator, Emma, who will start training soon to take the reigns from Emily when she leaves for her next adventure at graduate school. Welcome, Emma!
Congratulations to Lina for a terrific day of representing the lab at the Making Waves in Psychology conference at UVic!
HUGE Congratulations are in order all around:
- Our two most advanced doctoral students have received their pre-doctoral internship matches! Julie Prud’homme will be moving to the University of Ottawa’s Centre for Psychological Service and Research, and Nicole Legg will be going to Fraser Health Authority!
- Christina Robillard has received the Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Award to travel to Ku Leuven’s Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences under the supervision of Dr. Laurence Claes and Dr. Glenn Kiekens!
- Emily Spargo has accepted an offer of admission to the University of Utah’s Clinical Psychology PhD program to work under Dr. Brian Baucom!
- Monica Crawford has accepted an offer of admission to Adler University’s Counselling Psychology Master’s program!
We are so incredibly proud of you all!
![WellIntel Launch Poster](
Congratulations to…
…PhD student, Christina Robillard for receiving the UVic Department of Psychology Award for Excellence in Mentorship/Teaching!
…Post-doctoral fellow, Marlise Hofer for receiving a Michael Smith Health Reserach BC Research Trainee award!
So well deserved.
![witty's dip](
The lab set out for a beach day and ocean dip at Witty’s Lagoon to celebrate some new faces joining the lab, as well as to send off Zack, our wonderful Lab Coordinator of the past two years! Thank you, Zack, for everything you’ve done!
Huge congratulations to Marlise Hofer for being awarded a Canadian Institute of Health Research post-doctoral fellowship, and to Andrew Switzer on his Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council doctoral fellowship! We are so proud of you!!
Our most recent lab social. We went on a hike up Mount Doug and then enjoyed a yummy potluck at Mount Doug beach.
Congratulations to our students Christina Robillard, who has been awarded a SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral Award, Julie Prud’homme, who has been awarded a SSHRC Doctoral Award, and incoming graduate student Andrew Switzer, who has been awarded a SSHRC Master’s Award. Well done, team!!
Congratulations to Risky Behaviour Lab PhD student Julie Prud’homme and her colleagues on the launch of their website
Julie has been heavily involved in designing and creating this website over the past couple of years and we are so excited to announce it is now live!
This site was designed through close collaboration with community partners as a tool to help gay, bisexual, queer and other guys into guys learn more about the social factors affecting their mental health.
To check out the website click here
To learn more about Julie’s research click here
Congratulations to Zack Senay on his successful presentation of his honours thesis research at The Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awards (JCURA) Research Fair. Zack’s project examines new onset of disordered eating in first year students. If you missed it you can still see it at the Making Waves Conference on April 3rd!
Summer (2019) celebrations and farewells. Welcome Cassandra to her new role as Lab Coordinator, and best wishes and bon voyage to Si Ning, who is off to grad school at Queen’s University.
Yay to the end of another intense academic year! (May 2019)
Congratulations to our lovely RAs- Matt, Zack, Nicole, and Leah for presenting at the Making Waves Conference 2019 hosted by UVic Psi Chi!
Matt presented on the differences in help-seeking behaviours for LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+ students engaging in high risk behaviours.
Zack’s poster was on the role of self-critical perfectionism and rejection sensitivity on disordered eating in first year undergraduate students.
Nicole and Leah explored associations between stress, anxiety, defeat/entrapment and NSSI among first year undergraduates.
A well deserved mid-semester Board Game Night. Thanks for organizing, Reina!!
Over the next year, Dr. Turner will be collaborating with Research Users at the Borderline Personality Disorder Society of BC and Island Health and Researchers at UBC to conduct stakeholder consultations to inform and support a pilot trial evaluating the effectiveness of peer support interventions for people living with BPD. We will be seeking input from people with lived experience, mental health clinicians, healthcare decision-makers, and researchers to inform the intervention and research plans. The long-term goals of this collaboration are to increase hope, decrease stigma, and improve health outcomes for people with BPD who access acute and emergency psychiatric services. We are grateful to the Michael Smith Foundation of Health Research for their support of this collaboration. Learn more about this project here.
Congratulations to Holly Pellatt and Anthony Dean-Boucher for successfully completing their Honour’s Theses! Holly’s thesis examined the role of minority stress in trajectories of depression and anxiety in LGBT first-year students. Anthony’s thesis focused on the association of chronic medical conditions with suicidal thougths and behaviors in adolescents. Excellent work, both of you!
We escaped the Witchcraft & Wizardry Chamber of Challenges with 6 minutes to spare. Thanks for a magical year, team!
Congratulations to Carolyn Helps and Christina Robillard, each of whom received SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship Master’s Awards. Great work, Carolyn and Christina!!
Congratulations to Nicole Legg for her successful funding application to CIHR’s Canada Graduate Scholarship Master’s Award. Way to go, Nicole!!
Congratulations to Julie Prud’homme for her successful funding application to CIHR’s Institute of Gender and Health (IGH) Hacking the Knowledge Gap series. Julie will be one of 17 trainees attending the IGH Design Jam in February on the topic of Innovative Thinking to Support LGBTQI2S Health and Wellness, and will receive a $25,000 award to address a significant Knowledge-to-Action gap. Way to go, Julie!!
The RBL takes on Benji’s Pub Trivia to shake off the end of another great semester. Cheers, team!