A techno-economic approach to wave energy resource assessment and development site identification
Xu, Robertson, & Buckham (2020)
A screening method to quantify the economic viability of off-grid in-stream tidal energy deployment
Lafleur, Truelove, Cousineau, Hiles, Buckham, Crawford (2020)
Chapter 13: Regional Activities
Greaves, Perez-Collazo, Crawford, Buckham, Magar, Acuña, Shin, Shi, & Chenyu (2018)
ISPH modelling of an oscillating wave surge converter using an OpenMP-based parallel approach
Yeylaghi, Moa, Oshkai, Buckham, & Crawford (2016)
ISPH modelling of landslide generated waves for rigid and deformable slides in Newtonian and Non-Newtonian reservoir fluids
Yeylaghi, Moa, Buckham, Oshkai, Vasquez, & Crawford (2017)
Wind inflow modeling for Airborne Wind Energy Systems
Sommerfeld & Crawford (2018)
A tuned actuator cylinder approach for predicting cross-flow turbine performance with wake interaction and channel blockage effects
Shives, Crawford, & Grovue (2017)
A new Kriging–Bat Algorithm for solving computationally expensive black-box global optimization problems
Saad, Dong, Buckham, Crawford, Younis, & Karimi (2018)
A multi-objective design optimization approach for floating offshore wind turbine support structures
Karimi, Hall, Buckham & Crawford (2016)
Tuned Actuator Disk Approach for Predicting Tidal Turbine Performance with Wake Interaction
Shives & Crawford (2016)
The importance of mooring line model fidelity in floating wind turbine simulations
Hall, Buckham, Crawford, & Nicoll (2011)
Development of Control Strategies for Interconnected Pneumatic Wave Energy Converters
Thacher, Bailey, Robertson, Beatty, Goldsworthy, Crawford, & Buckham (2017)
Quantifying Wave Power and Wave Energy Converter Array Production Potential
Robertson, Hiles, Luczko, & Buckham (2015)
Quantifying the Wave Energy Resource and Farm Siting Opportunities for Western Canada
Robertson, Hiles, Luczko, & Buckham (2014)
Assimilating a Time-Domain Representation of a Wave Energy Converter Into a Spectral Wave Model
Luczko, Bailey, Robertson, Hiles, & Buckham (2016)
A Transient Model for Wave Energy Resource Assessment on the West Coast of Vancouver Island (Session Paper)
Hiles, Buckham, & Tarbotton (2019)
A model for wave energy assessment on the West Coast of Vancouver Island (Extended Abstract)
Hiles, Tarbotton, & Buckham (2019)
Characterizing the near shore wave energy resource on the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada
Robertson, Hiles, & Buckham (2014)
Wave energy resources near Hot Springs Cove, Canada
Hiles, Buckham, Wild, & Robertson (2014)
Wave energy resources in Hesquiaht Sound
Hiles, Buckham, & Wild (2010)
Wave Energy Converter Annual Energy Production Uncertainty Using Simulations
Hiles, Beatty, & de Andres (2016)
Representing Non-Linear Wave Energy Converters in Coastal Wave Models
Luczko, Robertson, Bailey, Hiles, & Buckham (2017)
Combining Numerical Methods for Basin and Turbine Scales for Improved Modelling of in-situ Turbine Arrays
Shives, Crawford, Hiles, & Walters (2013)
Simulating and forecasting ocean wave energy in Western Canada.
Reikard, Robertson, Buckham, Hiles, & Bidlot (2015)
A case study on the matrix approach to WEC performance characterization
Hiles, de Andres, Beatty, & Buckham (2015)
Design Synthesis of a Wave Energy Converter
Beatty, Hiles, Nicoll, Adamson, & Buckham (2009)