The Pacific Regional Institute for Marine Energy Discovery (PRIMED) has worked with the team at 3D Wave Design to create an interactive map detailing marine energy data collection sites around Haida Gwaii. These sites are used to characterize Haida Gwaii’s wind, wave, and tidal resources to inform future energy planning options. The website provides information on Haida Gwaii’s existing electricity grids and diesel use, the benefits of marine renewable energy for electricity generation, along with details on the devices used to collect data. The goal of the project is to act as an educational resource while also providing updates on PRIMEDs field work activities.
Thank you to the Council of the Haida Nation for collaborating on and supporting this research project, especially through vessel and crew time, along with providing guidance via the Marine Planning Program. This website was made possible by funding and support from the Vitality Project and Canada’s Ocean Supercluster.
For the best viewing experience use desktop/laptop. Website link: PRIMED Map (