Library Help

How can the Library help?

Librarians can help you get started by:

  • Putting you in touch with other Faculty that are using open textbooks and resources
  • Identifying resources on the benefits of teaching with open textbooks and resources
  • Helping you find open resources
  • Sharing with you assessment rubrics used by librarians to find quality open resources
  • Assisting you with copyright issues

If you are creating a new textbook or planning to modify an existing textbook, contact Inba Kehoe, Copyright & Scholarly Communication Librarian.

Assessing for Quality

With so many freely available resources online, choosing an OER can be overwhelming. This checklist contains some suggestions for faculty when choosing resources for use in the classroom. The checklist asks questions in the following areas when making a decision on selecting an OER:
  • Accuracy
  • Relevance
  • Production Quality
  • Accessibility
  • Interactivity
  • Licensing
Library Help

BCOER Librarians

The BCOER is a grassroots group of BC postsecondary librarians interested in Open Education Resources (OER) and informally meeting to discover and share ways to support the use of quality OER by faculty and students. More info

Inba Kehoe
Head, Scholarly Communication &          Copyright Officer

CCYBYExcept where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License