OER Events
Let’s Talk About Teaching 2022 | August 30- September 1, 2022
Hosted by the Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation (LTSI), this year’s Let’s Talk about Teaching event focuses on connecting and building relationships.
There are four sessions on OER.

Calendar of Events
Day 1 (2 sessions)
Our Journeys Developing Open Education Resources for Math Courses
Create Materials with Students: Making Questions
Day 2
Open Education Resources (OER) in Action: A Panel Discussion
Day 3
The Anti-Racism and Decolonial Potential of Open-Source Writing Textbooks
Day 1
Our Journeys Developing Open Education Resources for Math Courses
Presenters: Trefor Bazett, Jane Butterfield, and Chris Eagle, Mathematics & Statistics
Summary: We are the recipients of three Open Education Resource (OER) LTSI grants in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics to work on three projects, two of which are online textbooks and one a review package. In this talk we will share our objectives for these projects and what our journeys have been thus far, bumps in the road included! We will share some of the cool elements made possible by technology such as having interactive websites for the projects with embedded problems, videos, and animations. Read more
Tuesday, August 30th
10:15am – 10:45am
Location: Online
Create Materials with Students: Making Questions
Presenter: Lijun Zhang, Economics
Summary: This session introduces one assignment to:
1) encourage and facilitate active learning by students and
2) create more questions and build up a test bank, accumulating and updating an ORE resource sustainably.
One challenge of using OER is the lack of good facilitating resources. As instructors, we want the materials to be update-to-date and interesting to students. At the same time, flipping a classroom and inducing active learning has been proven effective if done appropriately. Read more
Day 2
Open Education Resources (OER) in Action: A Panel Discussion
Location: HHB 128
Presenters: Inba Kehoe, Head Copyright & Scholarly Communications, Gayle Palas and Jeff Baxter, Technology Integrated Learning (LTSI)
Panelists: Chris Eagle, Mathematics and Statistics, Loren Gaudet, Academic and Technical Writing Program, Michael Paskevicius, Curriculum & Instruction, Inba Kehoe, Head Copyright & Scholarly Communications
Summary: Are you curious to learn more about OER and how other educators are incorporating them into their practice? Join us for a robust conversation with current practitioners and subject matter experts on getting started with OER, keeping momentum, pedagogical considerations, and accessibility and inclusion. We will discuss what makes OER unique, the associated benefits for instructors and students, and share resources to support you in your OER journey.
Wednesday, August 31st
10:45am – 12:00pm
About Chris Eagle
Chris Eagle is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. He regularly teaches and coordinates Math 110, Matrix Algebra for Engineers, a course for which he wrote an open access (and open source) textbook. In all of his courses he is committed to reducing barriers to student participation by providing no-cost course materials.
About Loren Gaudet
Dr. Loren Gaudet is an Assistant Teaching Professor in UVic’s Academic and Technical Writing Program. Loren’s experience is primarily with team-built OER. She is currently part of the OER, Why Write, an anti-racist and decolonial writing textbook created by an interdisciplinary team of librarians, anti-racism and inclusivity researchers, writing centre leaders, and academic writing specialists faculty and staff who consulted widely with Indigenization and decolonial experts, students, instructors. Loren was also the lead of a UBC-funded OER project, Full STEAM Ahead: Digital Teaching and Learning Resources for Writing Courses in STEM Disciplines, which involved reworking existing material and creating new writing resources for a student-focused STEM writing website (scwrl.ubc.ca).
About Inba Kehoe
Inba is Copyright Officer and Scholarly Communications Librarian at UVic Libraries, BC. A graduate of UToronto, she is working on a PhD on open scholarship.
About Michael Paskevicius
Dr. Michael Paskevicius is an Assistant Professor of Educational Technology at the University of Victoria. His research looks at the experiences of teachers in designing and practising open educational approaches to teaching and learning using emerging technologies to support collaborative, creative, and personalized learning.
Educators as Content Creators in a Diverse Digital Media Landscape
About Chris Eagle
Dr. Loren Gaudet is an Assistant Teaching Professor in UVic’s Academic and Technical Writing Program. Loren’s experience is primarily with team-built OER. She is currently part of the OER, Why Write, an anti-racist and decolonial writing textbook created by an interdisciplinary team of librarians, anti-racism and inclusivity researchers, writing centre leaders, and academic writing specialists faculty and staff who consulted widely with Indigenization and decolonial experts, students, instructors. Loren was also the lead of a UBC-funded OER project, Full STEAM Ahead: Digital Teaching and Learning Resources for Writing Courses in STEM Disciplines, which involved reworking existing material and creating new writing resources for a student-focused STEM writing website (scwrl.ubc.ca).
About Loren Gaudet
Dr. Loren Gaudet is an Assistant Teaching Professor in UVic’s Academic and Technical Writing Program. Loren’s experience is primarily with team-built OER. She is currently part of the OER, Why Write, an anti-racist and decolonial writing textbook created by an interdisciplinary team of librarians, anti-racism and inclusivity researchers, writing centre leaders, and academic writing specialists faculty and staff who consulted widely with Indigenization and decolonial experts, students, instructors. Loren was also the lead of a UBC-funded OER project, Full STEAM Ahead: Digital Teaching and Learning Resources for Writing Courses in STEM Disciplines, which involved reworking existing material and creating new writing resources for a student-focused STEM writing website (scwrl.ubc.ca).
About Inba Kehoe
About Michael Paskevicius
Dr. Loren Gaudet is an Assistant Teaching Professor in UVic’s Academic and Technical Writing Program. Loren’s experience is primarily with team-built OER. She is currently part of the OER, Why Write, an anti-racist and decolonial writing textbook created by an interdisciplinary team of librarians, anti-racism and inclusivity researchers, writing centre leaders, and academic writing specialists faculty and staff who consulted widely with Indigenization and decolonial experts, students, instructors. Loren was also the lead of a UBC-funded OER project, Full STEAM Ahead: Digital Teaching and Learning Resources for Writing Courses in STEM Disciplines, which involved reworking existing material and creating new writing resources for a student-focused STEM writing website (scwrl.ubc.ca).
Day 3
The Anti-Racism and Decolonial Potential of Open-Source Writing Textbooks
Presenters: Sara Humphreys, Academic and Technical Writing Program
Summary: I had the good fortune to lead a team that built an LTSI-funded, open source textbook for The Academic and Technical Writing Program titled Why Write?: A Guide for Students in Canada. What makes this OER special is not just that it’s specifically designed for first-year composition courses in Canada; it explicitly takes into account anti-racist pedagogy, needs of Indigenous students, and Canadian perspectives while building upon the latest research and developments in the field of Rhetoric, Composition, and Writing Studies. Read more
Thursday, September 1st
2:45pm – 3:30pm
Location: HHB 110